I Hate BT!!

                            Written by D!ck

I  really REALLY hate BT, they're a bunch of money-grabbing b*st*rds who
don't like anything that doesn't go their way.

I once had difficulty paying my bill, I phoned up and said "Can I pay 50
now  and  the  rest on Monday?" and they said i could.  I paid my 50 and
got  cut  off!  I phone up, "oh we have no record of that call sir" they
say,  well  f*ck  them  too!  I then receive a 60 quid reconnection fee,

Do  you  know  what  you have to pay to have a new line installed into a
property?  99+vat that's what!  And that's not all, you have to rent the
line  for 12 months minimum!  The cheek of these people eh?  You want to
use  their  services,  but  they not only charge you for it but tell you
you've got to have it for so long too!

Monthly  payment?   Hah!   Both times I have asked for mothly billing on
getting a number they have said "no problem sir", and promptly billed me
for  a  whole  quarter's  line  rental - IN ADVANCE!  Do you know of any
other  company  that does this?  You phone up to bawl their head off and
see  if  you  can  have it split up, and it's "No sir, once the bill has
been issued it cannot be revised", idiots!

Ho  look!   BT  have cut the cost of calls by 10%!  Pah!  National calls
made  in the Daytime, yeah!  That's really going to help people that is,
how many national calls do YOU make a day?  Me?  I don't make 'em at all
if  I  can  help it, maybe one or two a month!  But oh no, we've cot TEN
PERCENT  off  calls,  the  fact  that hardly anyone makes those calls is
irrelevent, we've done it!

F*ck*ng  chargecards?!?!?   17p  for  three  minutes local on a weekend!
What  the  hell's  that  about?  Why would anyone pay that much money to
dial  someone down the road from another person's house?  no way are you
telling me that you can justify a 466% hike in the charge?!?!?

If  it's  justifiable,  then why are there "Call me free" cards that let
someone call you for just 10p over the cost of the call?

BT make 100 quid a second at your expense.

Friend's  &  Family  is  a  joke, 10% is bugger all off your phone bill,
Diamond Cable charges at least 10% less than BT anyway!

There  is  absolutely  no reason on Earth why every house in Britain can
NOT  have an ISDN line instead of this analogue pap, other than the fact
that BT want to charge extra for them!

Bugger  that, as soon as Diamond Cable get their arses in gear and offer
me  a  phoneline  then I'm going to tell BT to stick their line right up
their arse, it's a load of WANK!
